Friday, March 6, 2020

4 Reason Why You Need a Tutor this January

4 Reason Why You Need a Tutor this January 4 Reasons Why You Need a Tutor this January Working with a one-on-one tutor can provide a lot of advantages for a student at any level, and January is a good time of year to start over or get ahead, depending on a students current situation concerning their grades. As students receive final grades in each class, some students are getting the news they expected while others may be in for a surprise. Working with a tutor from January through June can help students get back on track or get way ahead of the game our private Orange County tutors are here to help you succeed. 1. Improve GPA The first, and perhaps the most obvious reason to start working with a private tutor is to improve grades in each class. If students got some bad news when they received their grade sheet this winter, they could work with their tutor to figure out what went wrong and how they can get back on track. A student might need a specific subject matter explained to them, or they may just need to work on improving study habits. When students start getting extra help with difficult concepts their grades start to improve, and this eventually raises their entire GPA. This might be especially important for students in their sophomore through senior years who are relying on their GPA to help them get into college. 2. Instill a love of learning Private tutors can also help instill a love of learning in students who find themselves disinterested in school work at this point in the year. Theres lots of dry subject matter that students need to tackle, and tutors can help make it more fun and exciting. They can also help explain the practical applications of assignments that may not have an obvious point. Students may also have lost their love of learning because their stress levels are too high or they feel overwhelmed with the amount of homework they have. Working with a tutor can help make study habits more efficient and help students get things done quicker (READ: Fullerton Math Tutor Tips: How to Make Students Feel Great About Math). 3. Lower frustration levels Working one-on-one with an expert can also substantially lower a students frustration level. Sometimes kids get to a point where they just cant take anymore, and they turn away from assignments. Tutors can look through a student’s assignments to see what went wrong and what, in particular, the student needs to improve. Knowing what went wrong is half the battle and can make a students life a lot easier. 4. Prepare for final exams this Spring Students who received final test grades that were not as good as they were hoping for can also work with a tutor so they can do better on their exams in the spring. Tutors can look over students’ exams, if available or talk with a student over a period and learn about their learning style and preferences to figure out how to help them improve. Examining a students assignments throughout the term can also help a tutor determine how to help them better prepare for final exams this spring. Its never too early in the semester to start working with a private tutor. Call us today, and well match you with one of our experienced Orange County academic tutors. Need help with college admissions? Our Orange County college admissions consultants are here to get you into your preferred University. Great news, Orange County! We’ve launched to offer the best online and in-home tutoring in SoCal. Get 50% off your first online or in-home tutoring session with code: SUCCESS. The code is for a limited time only, so book your tutor today! All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

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